
$ 23.58

In our world transcendence is usually found in the depths of tragedy, pain, loneliness, violence and despair. It is often in these depths that miracles can happen – alienated, alone and broken, we reach the end of the road and have no one to whom to turn. It is also often here that we find our Soul waiting for us. Here it is possible to open to change and allow the magic of transcendence and for many, who experience the miracle of transcendence, this is the avenue that gets them there. However, it can be found in other places too, among these, in ecstasy, joy and in the resonance of loving and being loved. Transcendence is beyond our comprehension, indefinable, it can change us in a moment. While we cannot understand it, we can experience it and allow its magic into our lives to lift us into realities we never imagined. Transcendence Essence assists us in generating the resonance to attract the magic of transcendence to us and to put miraculous change within our grasp.

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