African Banana Essence
Masculine energy; yin/yang balance; integration of right and left brain lobe functions; learning difficulties.
Agapanthus Essence
Abundance consciousness; money issues; willingness to receive.
Aloe Essence
Envy; jealousy; greed; competitiveness; lust for power.
Apricot Essence
Self empowerment through acceptance of responsibility; resolution of internal conflicts; ability to move forward; joy in others’ good fortune.
Aristea Essence
Caretaking of the Earth; attunement to nature; dissolution of sense of separation.
Arum Lily Essence
Sense of individuality; personal power; clarity of focus; self motivation.
Australian Tea Tree Essence
Procrastination; inability to finish what one starts; perseverance; strengthening of the will.
Avocado Essence
Breaking with the past and repetitive patterns of behaviour; releasing negativity; enhancement of intuitive and telepathic abilities.
Azalea Essence
Rebelliousness; personal autonomy; fathering; acceptance of responsibility.
Baeometra Essence
Fatigue; depletion; exhaustion; overwhelm; disheartened; convalescence.
Basil Essence
Misuse of sexual energy; redirecting sexual energy as a tool to enlightenment.
Bauhinia Essence
Burying real issues; integration of core or root emotions; emotional authenticity.
Bell Gardenia Essence
Apathy; emotional repression; integration of lessons from the past; activation of life force.
Belladonna Lily Essence
Anger; rage; desire to blame and punish; useful for children.
Bluebell Essence
Auric protection; stress resulting from excessive sensitivity to sensory stimulation; facilitates harmonious use of sound.
Blushing Bride Essence
Strengthens female energy; yin/yang balance; enhances intuition and ability to be intimate.
Borage Essence
Disheartened; overwhelmed by adversity and sorrow; restores courage.
Bottle Brush Essence
Courage to change; transition; breaks negative links withthe past.
Buchu Essence
Over-identification with the emotions others; helps establish emotional boundaries; auric protection.
Calendula Essence
Intellectual arrogance and coldness; promotes mutual understanding; sensitivity and receptivity.
Cancer Bush Essence
Confrontation of the shadow; inner torment; confrontation of dark aspects.
Cape Almond Essence
Insecurity; fear of the unknown; fear of failure; emotional paralysis; personal power.
Cape Honeysuckle Essence
Inflexibility; ruthlessness; arrogance; over-emphasis on work and doing; workaholics.
Cauliflower Essence
Shock sustained during birth process; for pregnancy, birth and rebirthing.
Chestnut Essence
Visualisation; ability to contact spiritual realms;aid to meditation.
Chinkerinchee Essence
Unethical behaviour; impeccability; operating with integrity; adhering to principles.
Christ Thorn Essence
Lack of self-worth; self-neglect; depression; subjugation of the self; honouring of the self.
Clivia Essence
Excessive or obsessive anxiety about the safety or wellbeing of others; uncontrollable thoughts of catastrophe.
Comfrey Essence
Nervous depletion; emotional tension; nail biting; panic attacks.
Coral Tree Essence
Generalised fear; expectation of disaster possibly linked to past life experience; self sabotage.
Corn Essence
Disorientation; lack of personal space; need to conform; linking matter and spirit.
Cosmos Essence
Disorganised thought patterns; inarticulate expression; public speaking; throat chakra; integration of ideas.
Crab Apple Essence
Shame; remorse; self forgiveness; self- acceptance.
Crassula Essence
Excessive use of the will; unthinking devotion to a cause; inability to understand any other point of view; negative ego.
Cucumber Essence
Pessimism; defeatism; alienation; sense of separation.
Daffodil Essence
Self-criticism; self-hatred; frustration; depression.
Dandelion Essence
Stress; tension; striving to be perfect; emotional release.
Disa Essence
Dark night of the Soul; despair; disillusionment; hopelessness.
Dog Rose Essence
Unexpressed grief; inability to express deep emotions; integration and acceptance of pain.
Dune Calendula Essence
Periods of transition and change e.g. divorce, mid-life crisis; separation from Soul and Spirit.
English Hawthorne Essence
Broken-heartedness; intense grief; remorse; transformation through pain.
Evening Primrose Essence
Abandonment; co-dependence; sexual repression; fear of parenthood; fear of commitment.
Felicia Essence
Unhappiness; disconnectedness; feeling of insignificance.
Fig Essence
Archetypal sexual shame and fear; releasing the past; pregnancy.
Flowering Cherry Essence
The Buddha essence; beingness; gentleness; inner peace.
Flowering Gum Essence
Personal authority and autonomy; positive ambition to live according to one’s own values.
Flowering Quince Essence
Despair; hopelessness; depressed anger; confusion; pain
Forget-Me-Not Essence
Memory loss; sense of isolation; heightened spiritual awareness; for nightmares and sleep walking.
Frangipani Essence
Grief and shock of karmic origins; dread; inexplicable fears; positive commitment to the future.
Freesia Essence
Overwhelmed by life itself; apathy; reverence for life; desire to be of service.
Fuchsia Essence
Suppressed anger, pain and shame; expression of deep feelings; integration of past experience.
Fumaria Essence
Transmutation of suffering; shift of focus from self to the transpersonal world; personal responsibility.
Gazania Essence
Subjugation of self to the will of others; breaking down of repressive attitudes; feminine sexuality and creativity.
Geranium Incanum Essence
Vengeful or morbid thoughts; abusive and destructive relationships; integration of the shadow.
Giant Protea Essence
Blocked or crushed creativity; lack of vitality; activation of the will; harnessing the spiritual forces.
Grapevine Essence
Emotional toxicity; out of touch with the physical world; overactive psychic life; integration of ‘out of body’ experiences; access to other dimensions.
Grapefruit Essence
Self-destructive or erratic behaviour patterns; substance abuse; self nurturing; clearing of the aura.
Grassy Bell Essence
Deep hurt; pain and fear relating to betrayal; developing the ability to trust; mutual trust in relationship.
Green Pepper Essence
Over-involvement in detail; inability to delegate or see the overall picture; excellence.
Grevillea Essence
Affected by criticism; incorporation of the shadow; centring in the self.
Hibiscus Essence
Focusing and harnessing creative abilities and energy into potent force.
Holly Essence
Deep pain; the desire to hurt others; sense of deprivation and alienation.
Hyacinth Essence
Inner stillness; access to the sacred space within; spiritual connection; accessing magical power within; beingness.
Hypericum Essence
Integration of incoming spiritual energies; grounding of cosmic energy; psychic protection.
Ixia Essence
Lack of confidence; shyness; timidity; self deprecation; introversion.
Jacaranda Essence
Escapism; indecisiveness; procrastination; perseverance; “follow through” ability.
Keurtjie Essence
Nurturing; parenting; post-natal depression; nurturing of inner child.
Lavender Essence
Panic; hysteria; insomnia; soothing; calming.
Lemon Essence
Disallowed anger in women; sexual imbalance; female power.
Loquat Essence
Apathy; withdrawal from the demands of daily life; martyrdom; resignation; assists in incarnation process.
Lotus Essence
Alignment of chakra energy; contact with Soul and Spirit; ineffable joy; meditation.
Maidenhair Fern Essence
Exponential understanding of life purpose; sensitivity; spiritual attunement.
Mango Essence
Inability to express warmth; personal inadequacy; universal love; compassion; empathy.
Maple Essence
Workaholism; excessive use of the will; balance of physical and personality forces.
Marigold Essence
Scepticism; focused in the logical, rational mind and linear thinking; aggression; argumentativeness.
Mock Orange Essence
Male confidence and autonomy; expansion of masculine energy.
Morning Glory Essence
Imbalance in patterns of waking and sleeping; substanceabuse; meditation.
Mountain Cabbage Tree Essence
Refusal to grow up; rebelliousness; avoidance of responsibility and commitment; parent projection onto partner.
Mountain Dahlia Essence
Insensitivity to others; self-absorbtion; selfishness; negative ego; healing ability; telepathy.
Mountain Rose Essence
Profound or existential pain; suicidal tendencies; loneliness.
Nasturtium Essence
Overemphasis on the intellect; mental strain through study or overwork.
Nicotiana Essence
Feeling of undeservability and separation; numbing of emotions; self-destructive behaviour; abuse of tobacco.
Oak Essence
Stabilisation after divorce, loss of loved one, trauma or shock; surgical procedures; connection to one’s roots.
Orange Essence
Emotional tension; overcharged emotions; hysteria; possession; heals holes in aura.
Orange Pincushion Essence
Archetypal fear; shock; panic; fear of annihilation; dread; terror – grounds and centres.
Orange Watsonia Essence
Cruelty; ruthlessness; self centeredness; unaware of impact on others; ability to inspire and lead.
Oreganum Essence
Grace; ease; ability to be oneself without pretence; gives confidence.
Oxalis Essence
Polarities of inferiority and self-importance; lack of self- worth; arrogance; overbearing behaviour.
Painted Lady Essence
Jealousy; resentment; holding of grudges; suspiciousness; hardening of the heart.
Pansy Essence
Thin-skinned; sensitive to criticism; overly vulnerable; fear of opening up.
Parsley Essence
Perfectionism; self-criticism; self denial; negative ego; self forgiveness.
Peach Essence
Melancholy; effects of past trauma; fear of pain; contraction of aura; clearing of blockages in subtle bodies.
Pelargonium Essence
Loneliness; isolation; alienation; brings sense of oneness.
Periwinkle Essence
“The Sword in the Heart” ; adolescent wounding; shattering of ideals; cynicism; healing of heart chakra.
Petunia Essence
Inspiration; visualisation; creative dreaming abilities; for mapmakers.
Pine Essence
Self-chastisement; self-blame; self-criticism; remorse; guilt.
Pink Bell Heather Essence
Self-deception; insincerity of motive; confused or conflicting motivation; facilitates impeccability.
Pink Watsonia Essence
Feeling dissipated; living one’s life according to the opinions of others; finding one’s centre, clarity and focus; establishing boundaries.
Plum Essence
Feeling of undeservability; unwillingness to receive; clearing of the past; breaking of karmic patterns.
Plumbago Essence
Shame; undeservability; lack of trust in one’s own judgement; subjugation to the will of others.
Pomegranate Essence
Striving to be ‘superwoman’; feminine identity and creativity; yin/yang balance; puberty; pregnancy; menopause.
Pompom Tree Essence
Avoidance and fear of vulnerability; fear of rejection; shame; courage to risk emotional contact.
Red Camellia Essence
Inner child shock and fear; trying to earn love; need to be perfect.
Red Erica Essence
Hypochondria; control and punishment of others; self pity; shame; sense of self-worth.
Red Hot Poker Essence
For treatment of physical, emotional or mental abuse resulting in emotional withdrawal.
Rhododendron Essence
Rigidity; obstinacy; dogmatism; refusal to change; holding onto the past; repetition of patterns.
Roella Essence
Pride; elitism; prejudice; negative ego; integration of shadow; humility.
Rosemary Essence
Forgetfulness; emotional coldness; assists in incarnation process.
Sausage Tree Essence
Core issues relating to masculinity in today’s world; yin/yang balance; integration of polarities.
Scilla Essence
Domination; self-importance; a need to be right; facilitates working together for the common good.
Senecio Essence
Fear of ageing; perpetual pursuit of youth; failure to recognise dignity and grace of mature beauty.
Shasta Daisy Essence
Making the whole holy; integration of matter and spirit; holographic understanding of reality.
Silverleaf Essence
The female warrior; illumination from within; re-emerging Goddess energy.
Snapdragon Essence
Misdirected sexual energy resulting in verbal aggression, cruelty and sarcarsm.
Sonderina Essence
Repetitive thought patterns; insomnia; agitation; worry.
Sour Fig Essence
Self aggrandisement; emotional neediness; attention seeking; domination of others.
Spur Flower Essence
Facilitation of learning and assimilation; integration of knowledge; useful for exams.
Squash Essence
Personal adversity and turmoil; fortitude in confronting fears.
Strelitzia Essence
Indecisiveness; procrastination; “stuckness”; self doubt; lack of personal power; fear of future; strengthens visualisation abilities.
Sugar Bush Protea Essence
Inner child abandonment issues; lack of sweetness; repressed childhood longings.
Sunbonnet Essence
Need for validation; co-dependency; lack of self-worth; personal inadequacy.
Sunflower Essence
Threatened masculine energy; balances inner-male aspect; radiance of male energy.
Suring Essence
Excessive intensity and fervency, over aroused passion and ardour.
Sweetpea Essence
Lack of personal space; sense of not belonging; need for peace and stillness.
Thyme Essence
Facilitates communication with subconscious mind; understanding and remembering dreams; access to other dimensions; “time is an illusion”.
Tiger Lily Essence
Awakening of the “Wise Woman”; awareness of dignity and usefulness of the crone; revelation of inner purpose.
Tomato Essence
Shattering of negative vibrational patterns; establishment of higher and new resonance.
Touch-Me-Not Essence
Inhibition; prohibitions imposed on women by patriarchal or chauvinistic society.
Tulip Magnolia Essence
Vulnerability hidden by defensiveness; dissatisfaction; restlessness; perpetual activity.
Umsipane Essence
Excessive mental energy; perfectionism; cold patronising behaviour; sense of superiority.
Vygie Essence
Manipulation and punishing of others through victimhood, martyrdom and self-pity; power over others through dependence.
Warratah Essence
Despair; shock; intense fear; traumatisation; refusal to accept the inevitable; self destruction.
Water Lily Essence
Numbing of emotions, emotional repression of pain; mask of indifference; sense of connectedness.
Wattle Essence
Negative expectation; pessimism; discouragement.
White Geranium Essence
Lack of focus and unreliability as a result of self pity and suppressed anger; irresponsibility.
Wild Coffee Essence
Caffeine addiction; dulling of the mind; clears blockages in subtle bodies.
Wild Dagga Essence
Lack of willpower; avoidance of pain; addictive behaviour patterns.
Wild Gardenia Essence
Death and dying; terminations; closing of chapters; useful for hospice work.
Wild Garlic Essence
Auric protection against negative thought forms or psychic attack.
Wild Ginger Essence
Abusive or violent behaviour; keeping a grip on oneself; fear of one’s ability to be violent; dogmatic attitudes.
Wild Iris Essence
Frustrated; overwhelmed by demands of daily life; out of touch with creativity; awareness of goodness truth and beauty.
Wild Jasmine Essence
Separation; alienation; self love; self esteem.
Wild Pear Essence
Bitterness; cynicism; holding of grudges; congestion of negative emotions.
Wild Sage Essence
Strengthening the will; clearing of accumulated negativity and psychic contamination in aura; energising the aura.
Wisteria Essence
Lack of equality in relationships; traumatisation due to sexual abuse; imbalance between male and female sexual needs.
Yarrow Essence
Protection against negative thought forms and psychic attack; sealing of the aura.
Yellow Pincushion Essence
Fear of loss of control; fear of deprivation; fear of the unknown; being supported by love.
Yellowwood Essence
Facilitates the emergence of leadership qualities; guards gainst abuse of authority and self-importance
Yucca Essence
Self-pity; resentment; bitterness; transforming victimhood through taking personal responsibility.
Zimbabwe Creeper Essence
Overemphasis on achieving, enduring, striving; inability to accept help; polarisation in masculine energy.
Zinnia Essence
Repressed inner child; excessive seriousness; inability to play; lightening up; cheerfulness; laughter; joy.