Tiger Lily Essence

$ 23.58

At times of menopause, women can find themselves dealing with unresolved polarities in their lives. A lessening of the female hormones, which suppress the male hormones in the body, brings up issues of the yin/yang, female/male balance of energies. This transition from the mother/ nurturer to the wise woman is not always easy. There can be the subtle implication, reinforced, perhaps, by the woman’s own feelings, that when she no longer menstruates she has outlived her usefulness. This essence allows one’s destiny and the Soul’s longing to be revealed. It facilitates the awakening of the Self to the new life purpose, to the powerful roles she can play as a responsible and respected member of the community, bringing a wealth of feminine wisdom and experience to bear in community life. It is also generally indicated for any situation where masculine energy predominates and feminine energy is needed to counterbalance it.

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