The Base of the Cross Remedy. For complete and utter despair, the dark night of the Soul. For when one hits bottom. For those who are disillusioned, discouraged, weary and hopeless, for whom the future looks dark and bleak. This essence brings hope, abiding trust, tranquillity and optimism. It opens one to the Soul qualities of enchantment, beauty and joy, and to a new way of being.
Disa Essence
$ 23.58
The Base of the Cross Remedy. For complete and utter despair, the dark night of the Soul. For when one hits bottom. For those who are disillusioned, discouraged, weary and hopeless, for whom the future looks dark and bleak. This essence brings hope, abiding trust, tranquillity and optimism. It opens one to the Soul qualities of enchantment, beauty and joy, and to a new way of being.
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