The teenage years can be very challenging for both those going through them and those in the caretaking role, whether they be parents or teachers. Flower essences offer an alternative to the head-on collisions which so often occur across the generation gap. Adolescence is essentially a time of transition when the child, rather like the […]
As we become more aware of how our thoughts and feelings affect our physical health, it is only natural that we should extend this understanding to the treatment of our four legged friends. Like us, they manifest imbalances, frustration or negativity in their bodies, when they have no other way of dealing with these. It […]
Understanding the Shadow side of ourselves is one of the major challenges to humanity today, particularly as it holds the key to transforming ourselves and, thereby, our world. In the following pages I will attempt to present material which will be of assistance in coming to an understanding of the Shadow. Please bear in mind […]
Birth is a momentous event for all concerned. Ideally, it is one of life’s high points. However, in a world where we have often lost touch with our instinctual selves and may be cut off from our natural support systems, it can be a traumatic and exhausting experience, particularly for mother and baby. In The […]
Flower essences are becoming an increasingly important healing modality. It seems that, intrinsic to the human psyche, is an understanding of our intimate relationship with the natural kingdoms. When our souls are in need of solace – beauty, enchantment or solitude – we instinctively turn to nature. On a physical level, as well as the […]