Parenting, Taking Nature’s Helping Hand with Flower Essences

Birth is a momentous event for all concerned. Ideally, it is one of life’s high points. However, in a world where we have often lost touch with our instinctual selves and may be cut off from our natural support systems, it can be a traumatic and exhausting experience, particularly for mother and baby.

In The South African Flower Essences, nature has provided us with gentle, yet potent, tools which can be of invaluable assistance. For support during pregnancy, in the birth itself, as well as for mother and baby as they adjust to the separation, we suggest you combine Flowering Cherry Essence, Dune Calendula Essence, Cauliflower Essence, Coral Tree Essence, Oreganum Essence, Orange Pincushion Essence and Yarrow Essence.

(The section entitled ‘Using the Essences’ at the front of the handbook entitled “The South African Flower Essences” will tell you how).

This combination allows a sense of inner peace, of beingness and grace through this period of transition, allaying generalised or insubstantial fears, providing a protective auric shield, and easing the birth process. It also facilitates the release of any pain, shock or trauma which may be sustained. We highly recommend it!

Crisis Remedy can be a wonderful ally for soothing distress in babies at any time and has been found to be particularly useful in the treatment of colic. It is also great for a range of situations,

from providing comfort after a fall to easing those heart-stopping moments, which parents

inevitably experience in bringing up children. It alleviates panic and shock of any kind.

Stress Essence is a mother’s best friend. It works wonders when you are overwhelmed, tired or anxious in your new role, boosting your energy, enabling you to keep your cool with all motherhood’s ups and downs. Try putting a drop or two into your children’s juice when they are overwrought and see the difference.

Zinnia works to keep childhood a lighthearted, joyous time for play and fantasy while Inner Child Essence assists us all, both parents and children, in healing the wounds which often occur in those early years, when we are so vulnerable. It is important to deal with our own childhood hurts and deprivations so as not to project them onto our offspring, expecting them to do things differently, in order to heal the pain we carry. To parent effectively, we need to encounter the inner child within each of us and take responsibility for this part of ourselves.

Parenting Essence assists both mother and father in meeting the challenges that this intense phase of life presents. It enhances your ability to nurture, care for and protect, while strengthening your trust in your own intuition, which is such an essential part of successful parenting. It also brings perspective to situations and enables you to honour your offspring for the individuals they are, while simultaneously respecting your own needs. Use it during pregnancy, to help you in the major shift you are undertaking, and you’ll want to keep it handy through your parenting years. It is especially useful when facing those conflicts adolescence can bring. 

Adolescent Essence is the essence to give your teenagers. Auric Protection Essence offers mothers a protective shield from negativity, whether emotional or electromagnetic, allowing you to cocoon yourself and your baby before and after birth. When there is discord in the home or school environment, remember to protect your children with this essence. And, if children have to be taken into shopping malls or be exposed to cell phones, television or computers, put a drop of this essence under their tongues.

For those days when you are feeling down, or in the event of postnatal depression, we

suggest a combination of Dune Calendula Essence, Keurtjie Essence and Warratah Essence.